
Making my black tea at Umegashima

I made black tea at Umegashima, Shizuoka
I picked up tea leaves at Higashimine
This location was sunny all day
During witherling, tea leaves were dry too
I failed,,,

Then, I try to make tea again at Higashimine
I picked tea leaves at AM5:00
It was cool and the location was shade

And I made from Kurasawa leaves
Kurasawa had good science

Mr.Sano proposed to make tea with his Okuhikari leaves 
He taught me how to make black tea !!
 for left ;
at Sinden, tea leaves were Okuhijari
at Higashimene, witherling onr night, soft rolling
at kusaki, tea leaves were Kurasawa; Kurasawa was good science
at Sinden, made by Mr.Sano, Okuhikari, good science
upper ;
at Higashimine, I failed to witherl, tea leaves were over dry
and at Kusaki, tea leaves were Kurasawa
Thank you for all ♥


Fuji black tea

very beautiful tea
by Mr.Honda
at Fuji, Shizuoka
like Darjeeling greenish tea
Thank you


Japanese black tea

I tasted some Japanese black teas
I think greenish taste, characteristic science, 
mean of species and degree of fermented
Mirai 1st by Mr.Masui, Creha aging tea, 2015 Asikita 1st,
Fujikaori at Ureshino, Saemidori at Ureshino, Yamatomidori at Tsukigase
and Benihikari at Minamisatsuma


Nishimata black tea

 The other day, I made black tea with my friends
I brewed thses teas again

 Left; made by Mr.M
Right; by Mr.Watanabe

 Left; beautiful golden chips
Right; I felt honey taste
These teas light fermented
It was the important to fermented first in eary
Thank you for all 


Umegashima, Sencha

Kakure cha
at Kusaki, Umegashima



Sencha tea

 Science floated and went away
Higashimene, Umegashima, Shizuoka sencha
Thank you


Making my black tea

 I tried to make my black tea
This time, I failed wilting and fermentation
At first, I was wilting at the cool place
Then tea leaves were not wilted enough
and not fermented enough
Tea leaves were native variety

at Umegashima, Shizuoka

I hope to make more great tea
Thank you for all