
Matcha in Autumn

 It is Autumn (#^^#)

Thank you !!


An apple pie with tea

My son baked apple pies
So, I brewed Wakocha, Japanese black tea,
named Kahori 2nd by Mr.Masui
The tea matched with apple
Thank you !!


Matcha with Katsura tree

Leaves of Katsura tree fell
These withered leaves smelled very sweet !!
but living leaves does not smell


Tea trip

I went to pick tea leaves at the foot of Mt.Fuji with Mr.Shibamoto
This tea was the pan fried tea by him

So, tea leaves used for White tea
Today's Mt.Fuji was cloud covered

  At Akiyama tea estate, some vegetables were cultivated

The Taros were specialty !!

Taros were pealed with this machine

I had vegetables with Tonjiru, miso soup
Thank you for all


Pu'er black tea

Today, I brewed strong
And very good (^^)
Pu' er blask tea by pu-er.com


Wakocha, Yamagiri

Wakocha, Yamegiri
mede by Mr.Sano
from Umegashima, Shizuoka

Sencha tea

A cup of Kuki-tea, Sencha tea which is used stems of tea trees
by Mr.Saito from Nishimata, Shizuoka


Sencha tea

It's Autumn
A cup of sencha tea by Mr.Saitoi from Nishimata, Shizuoka



Sencha tea by Mr.Saito from Nishimata, Shizuoka
This tea leaves were consisted of stems
Mr.Saito keeps the soil that does not put nitrogen
Though I felt Umami tste


Pu' er black tea

Pu' er black tea from Mt. Mansa, 漫撒山
by puer-cha .com
The scene remained after drinking


Tori no Ichi

 "Tori no ichi" is an open-market fair held at Hanazono-jinja Shrine, Shinjuku, Tokyo
around the country on the Days of the Cock in November every year

 On the days of 'Tori no ichi,' stalls selling 'Engi-kumade' decorated with lucky charms that bring in good fortune such as okame

 I got the sweets, Kiri-Sanshou, 切り山椒 that like soft rice cakes
I had it with Pu'er tea from 弯弓, Wangong

Thank you



Wakocha, Japanese black tea with Emuni
From upper left
Kuma tea estate, Benifuki
Mr.Kajiwara, Benifuki
Kureha, Benikanbai
Kureha, Kitsuki
Kureha, Minamisatsuma
Mr.Shibamoto, Benifuki
Kureha, Sayaka from Kitsuki
Kureha, Benifuki by Mr.Iwata
Mr.Fumoto, Sayama

Thank you for all !!


Wakocha, Japanese black tea with Emuni, tea wear artist
The last tea is Benikanbai, flavered with apricot flowers
by Kureha
This tea was made at winter
Because apricot flowers come out December~January
I am looking foward to have next Benikanbai


Wakocha, Japanese black tea
Tea leaves were Sayaka
Flower scent was featured
from Kitsuki, Oita
bought by Kureha



Wakkocha, Japanese black tea
Brand name is Minamisatsuma
brend by Kureha
This tea was baded Benifuki which made by Mr.Goto at Kagoshima
Thank you


I love tea trip ♡

 I enjoy every tea trips to Shizuoka
The most favorite location is Yui parking of Tomei highway
At Yui parking, I look out at the sea !!
This tea was sencha tea, Yamakai, by Houkouen

And I love Mt.Fuji
at Fuji river parking of Tomei highway
I like to have tea under the sky !!


Houkou-en at Ryokouchi

At Ryokouchi, I also visited to Houkou-en, tea estate
I had sencha tea, Yumesuruga
It was gentle taste

I like beautiful green of sencha-tea

Feature of Houkou-en is tea leaves which like needle

The tea estate located on the steep slopes of the mountain
And look over there, it is Mt.Fuji
Thank you Mr.Jiro



I joined to the tea party, Yesterday
of Suisei-en, the tea estate, at Ryokouchi, Shizuoka
I had sencha tea, Suisei, Today
I felt woody
Beautiful green (^^)

Tea leaves were shiny and dark green

   The tea party !!

 Tea pot, pot, pot and cup, cup and cup

  Oden, potetos, radishes and konjaks

Thank you for all !!


Oolong tea by Mr.Fumoto

I had Oolong tea by Mr.Fumoto
and compaired hardness of tea leaves
Left was hard and right was soft
Tea leaves, after brewed, were smelled like flower
I expect that the scent get on a cup of tea
I am looking foward to the next year !!

Thank you Mr.Fumoto


Wakocha, Japanese black tea
by Mr.Fumoto
Sayama tea
from Fujieda, Shizuoka


Wakocha by Mr.Fumoto

I had Mr.Fumoto's teas
from Fujieda, Shizuoka
I compaired depth of fermentation
left was shallow and right was deep fermented

I felt be refreshed !!

and can not distinguish depth of fermemtation
Thank you Mr.Fumoto


Wakocha, Japanese black tea
Kitsuki First Flush
from Kitsuki, Oita
by tea shop Kureha
thank you