
New Year Tea !!

I had a cup of tea looking tea leaf
The tea leaves of new year tea was very beautiful
This tea was Ronjin.


Sencha tea

This time, I was supposed to have picking Japanese mugwort at Umegashima, Shizuoka.
Now, I work with sencha tea of Umegashima.


New Year Tea

 I bought new cup for this year's tea
A child is painted
This new year tea was Ronjin tea
Thank you



Today, it is holiday
I have some teas
The wakocha was made by Takeuchi tea estate, Shizuoka.
I bought last autumun when I can not felt scent
But now, I felt high scent (^^)

Oriental beauty

A cup of Oriental beauty.
I put the color of pink of azalea flowers on the tea surface.


New Year Tea

From tomorrow, it was consecutive holidays in Japan.
But I will work.
I rest little time with pan fried tea.
This tea was made by Mr.Shibamoto, Shizuoka.


New Year Tea

A cup of New Year Tea and flowers of azalea
The tea was called First picking tea
by Mr.Ishibe, Nishiki-en at Shizuoka.
Thank you.


Serving New Year Tea

I joined the meeting, the earthquake victims from Fukushima to Shizuoka.
I made some 2013 New Year Teas.
Blended Yamano-ibuki and Saemidori by Moriuchi tea estate,
pan fried tea by Shibamoto tea estate,
and Hatsuzumi tea by Nishiki-en.
Some of the participants were surprised that the new tea is out.
Thank you for all.


New Year Tea !! pan fried tea

I made tea leaves of pan fried tea at Shibamoto tea estate
in Makinohara, Shizuoka.
This year's leaves were yellow.
First, tea leaves were fried in the pan.
When weight of tea leaves were half of raw leaves,
tea leaves were rolled.
Then tea leaves were fried and rolled repeat 3 times.
2013 New Year Tea !!
The taste was so strong and mild !!

Beautiful green !
Thank you for all.


Cherry blossom at Umegashima

Now, at Umegashima, cherry blossom.

Tea tree buds just came out.
As Umegashima is high elevation, seasonal slow.


New year tea

 2013 New Year Tea !!
 The sencha tea was blended Yamaibuki and Saemidori.

I felt fresh !
The tea was made by Miriuchi tea estate at Uchimaki, Sgizuoka.
Thank you.


New year tea !!

Today, I had 2013, new year tea !!
This sencha tea was blended Yamano-Ibuki and  Saemidori.
made by Moriuchi tea estate in Uchimaki, Shizuoka.
I felt fresh green balmy wind.
Thank you.



This Wakocha, Japanese black tea, was made by Mr.Masui,
 at Kawane, Shizuoka.
I got high scent.
And the cloth was made by cafe, Ren, in Kawane.
Thank you


Oriental beauty

 I had Oolong tea, Oriental beatuty.
Scent and tate was very high.
I enjoy after a while.
 I bought the leaves at Mugacha-kan at Osaka.

Beautiful leaves !
Thank you


Bancha tea

Bancha tea is the most favorite tea.
I got this tea from Cha-en at Juso, Hyogo.
The kyo-ban-cha/京番茶 was made from Kyoto.
Tea leaves look like fallen leaves.
Thank you.



This Keemun was very cheap that bought by G-clef.
But, The taste was very good and easy to drink every day.


Houji-cha/ roasted tea

This roasted tea was made by Chabobo tea estate at Kasuga, Gifu.
The tea leaves were native.
I like that the tea farm grow thick and wild.
I want to have pan fried tea of this tea leaves.


Thank you, the tea party!!

 From Germany, My blog's reader came to Tokyo !!
I had tea with my friends at Higashiya,Ginza.
We had deep steamed sencha tea, normal steamed sencha tea, pan fried tea and  little fermented pan fried tea.

And we had NODATE, in open air tea .
Japanese black tea, rosted tea, sencha tea of Sansui teaestate.
Thank you.


Sencha tea

I had sencha tea with beans sweets.
A cup of sencha tea was made by Maruhi tea estate at Makinohara, Shizuoka.
And beans were called Gonzai beans made by Kashiwa-ya at Koriyama, Fukushima.
Thank you.