
Japanese Oolong tea

by Mr.Niroku
at Mariko, Shizuoka
Tea leaves are Izumi, 2015
It was hot tea


Sencha tea

I was tired today
I had sencha tea of Mr.Saito
It was fresh green
Thank you


Pan fried tea

 by Mr.Shibamoto
2015, Yabukita
at Makinohara
Today, a day off from work


Sencha tea

by Mr.Saito
N35, 2015, Nishimata
with Emuni tea wears
Iced tea


Sencha tea 2015

by Mr.Saito
at Nishimata, Shizuoka
Tea leaves are N35 ( Nishimata 35 ), original breed

Thank you Mr.Saito

Pan fried tea

made by Mr.Shibamoto
Shibamoto said do not feel Yamakai
Umm, I can clealy feel it


Sencha tea

made by Mr.Saito, 2014
at Nishimata, Shizuoka

I like Saito's sencha tea
Although Mr.Saito is the tea master of conventional sencha tea,
I felt not heavy

Mr.Saito think the soil of tea estate
and he love his tea
He can not sell his tea,
he can not exchange his tea for money
So, I bought the tea from his wife

She think around of tea estate
When I visited the tea estate, she was always in tea farm
She take care of thier childrens and grand mother
and manages house, the tea estate and their area
but, she is behind he
I know that she support his tea

And each tea farm's wives support thier area, Nishimata
thank you for all


2015 Pan fried tea

Mr.Shibamoto fried tea leaves by hands
tea leaves are Yamakai
I like Shibamoto's tea


Pan fried tea 2015

2015 New Year Tea !!
Tea leaves are Yamakai
Mr.Shibamoto fried tea leaves by hands
 I like scent of the pan
and I like pan fried tea
Thank you Shibamoto


Izumi oolong tea

tea leaves are Izumi
made by Mr.Niroku

Making black tea

I joined to make black tea

Tea leaves were benifuuki
Left; rolling time 1hr, fermentation in the chamber
Center; rolling time 1.5hr, fermentation in the chamber
Right; rolling time 1.5hr, fermentation out of the chamber

at National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
Kanaya, Shizuoka
We picked up tea leaves by hands

Tea leaves lie thin on the shelfs

The end of witherting
 Water content reduced 47%

Rolling time was 1hr or 1.5hr

The end of rolling

Fermentation at the chamber or out of the chamber

The end of fermantation
And dried

I felt all tea floral and soft
Rolling time 1.5hr were bitter
while 1hr was little greenish
I like 1hr as floral

Fermentatio in the chamber or out of the chamber
I like out of the chamber
I felt more soft and warm

I think that witherting was too hard ??
Core water can not drain ??

These are the spring tea
Thank you for all


2015 New Year Tea

Japanese oolong tea
made by Mr.Watanabe at April.18-19,2015
tea leaves are Saemidori from Nishimata, Shizuoka
I felt light and soft
It is the spring tea